Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How technology is helping digital advertisement.

Hi all,
I would like to elaborate with some points that how technology is helping digital advertisement.
QR (Quick response code) code is basically two dimensions bar code invented by Japanese company Denso Wave. In fact most of the SCM/ ERP services are adding value to digital advertisement. For instance follow the below URLs & you would be able to understand how QR code can be used in digital / Mobile advertisement.
Quick response code is changing the way we shop, we respond to an ad in greater way.

GPS was basically started in logistic/SCM/ERP sector. Now digital ad agencies are promoting contextual ads through that channel, so technological development & inventions are shaping the digital way of advertisement.
There is only one Geo location where Google is lagging behind in search percentage that is Japan.
Google has tied up with DoCoMo & if we analyse the QR code mobile ad it is really surprising to see how technology is changing the digital advertisement.

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